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There are more than 20.000 comments on this page.

Based on 20024 reviews

ANBERNIC RG35XX H Handheld Game Console 3.5''IPS Screen

For this money it's a very thoughtful device.
While it has it problems with PSP titles it can run PSone titles with no problems.
Runs perfect with PS4 controllers.
If you learn how to, it's easy to even add more games.

Honestly this device is insane. Just flashed muOS and I play N64 Dreamcast ps1 PSP all Nintendo retros as well as Sega. nice power nice buttons and good feeling. For the Price it's a steal

Best purchase of the year.
Super recommended... best in cost benefit today

Excellent retro console runs almost all ps1 emulators backwards without any problems and in n64, Dreamcast and psp emulators can be run decently if well configured emulators

I'm going to try it and I turned it on and it functions well after a few days we will see how it behaves but it is excellent practicality and nostalgia in retro games

I received the product in perfect condition. The product and delivery were excellent. I recommend both.

Arrived very well I recommend it very much thank you very much I recommend it very much really is very good I had my days but it is very good to watch movies and listening to music very well does not appear the game in the image as my daughter does I grab and started playing it but very well I recommend it very much thank you very much

Excellent purchase, perfect gift for Father's Day, arrived before the date, feel good quality, bring a mica and your cable to charge.

Great, it works properly. He arrived quickly and in very good condition. The first screening is passed, somehow the image is satisfactory, the sound is also quite good-you can safely watch without connecting the speaker. Intuitive configuration. Certainly you can watch videos on Disney without pro Lem, other platforms are still ahead.

Very good product recommend, fast delivery, good price picture is very good, recommend!

Very good product, the audio is not so bad, well superior to the audio of the hy300. White light leaks present, blur the edges but nothing that makes the product unusable. Some apps don't work very well, like Prime Video and HBO Max. Satisfied

Got it t arrived new unused. It is the second time of purchase. This seems to be the most popular retro handheld.

Very well sealed product, due to the fact that I lived in the north, I thought it would take time, on the contrary it came in 15 days right. I really liked the product, it surprised me. Super recommend.

Great handheld. Fast, small and super confortable.

The order arrived fairly quickly. The packing material was firm and there were no scratches. When I opened the box, I found a cable for charging and a film for LCD protection. waiting for the OS to boot up, the menu screen appeared. I enjoyed the game right away. It also seems to be able to watch other music and videos.
I will recommend this product to my friends who share the same interests.

Anbernic's best portatil. Very good to play, battery lasts a lot and the screen is very beautiful.

It took 10 days to get to Bogota, the device meets your expectations and is of good use. I recommend putting a custom firmware to better use the performance and Perform a backup to the sd that comes by default of the rest feels quality the product, first time buying these retro Chinese consoles and meets what I expected

Goods of Shvidko. Everyone is pratsyu. Business. Can be opened by filmi. Skilki trima battery, Poki do not prepare vidpovosti. I recommend the product from that seller!